Parking Lot Asphalt Maintenance

Parking lot asphalt maintenance is utilized in a variety of ways because of the durability and simplicity of the construction. Not only are asphalt surfaces a cost effect option, but the material is a number one choice among business owners of parking lots across the globe. Because of the strength of the asphalt material, it can withstand heavy weight loads and requires little to no maintenance. Asphalt parking lots can hold up for many years.

Even though asphalt can last for long periods of time, asphalt repair and maintenance is still required in order to make the most of your money over time. This can be done with a routine checkup from an asphalt expert like Dominic’s Paving.

Some common maintenance procedures include asphalt patching and repair. Even though asphalt has high durability, there are still vulnerabilities to potholes caused by improper crack sealing and cold weather. As water freezes in between the existing asphalt crack, an expansion of the initial damage occurs, making a bigger problem. A pothole is formed when the surrounding pavement falls into the cracks.

maintaining a parking lot in Rockville

The asphalt repair procedure consists of the affected areas being filed with either hot or cold asphalt mixtures. The temperature of the water used is determined by the season or location. In some cases, the asphalt deterioration must be removed or resurfaced. This can be done with a procedure called an ‘asphalt overlay’. Before starting the procedure, the entire area has to be cleaned which will level asphalt of low areas. Clients have the option to use Geotextile reinforced resurfacing. This type of resurfacing requires a fabric called, Petromat. This petroleum based fabric will stunt minor cracks between the surfaces.

Asphalt patching is another method that can be used to maintain the integrity of the asphalt surface. It involves filling the damaged areas with new asphalt mixture. Some clients opt to use a hot mix asphalt (HMA) while others choose a cold mix asphalt (CMA). Both materials require different preparation techniques. Hot mix asphalt is more expensive than cold mix asphalt. Cold mix asphalt is less expensive than hot mix asphalt. However, it takes longer to prepare. If you want to learn more about the process of asphalt patching, contact us at Dominic’s Paving today!

Asphalt Patching:

A simple way to keep your driveway looking great all year round is to apply a sealant. Sealants are applied on top of the existing asphalt driveways to provide protection against dirt and moisture. They also help prevent cracking and peeling. There are several types of sealants available such as penetrating sealants, chip resistant sealers, and waterproofing sealants.

Sealants come in two forms – liquid and powder. Liquid sealants penetrate deep into the asphalt and form a protective layer over the surface. Powder sealants do not penetrate deeply into the asphalt and instead create a thin film of rubber-like substance that protects the surface.

Liquid sealants are ideal for small repairs and are usually mixed using a brush. These sealants can be sprayed onto the road using a sprayer. When applying these sealants, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Powder sealants are ideal for large jobs because they can be spread evenly across a wide area without causing any mess. You should ensure that the powder is dry before spreading it out.

As soon as a hot fresh layer of asphalt paving mix is applied and starts the cooling process, the aging cycle begins all over again. There are many factors that cause this such as when oxygen located in water and air mixes with the asphaltic binder solution of the pavement. From here, a chemical change takes pace.

This process is expected in order for the pavement to become hard and solid. However, later down the road the asphaltic binder will reduce the pavement till there is nothing left but a layer of loose stone. Some elements that are proven to be harsh on pavement life include; sun, salt, water penetration, cold or hot environment conditions and gas. These elements can destroy the pavement.

These factors mentioned are the reason parking lot asphalt maintenance is so important. Not only will future problems be detected, but there can be huge safety hazards if the right precautions are not taken. Maintenance for parking lots is considered a must in order to uphold the safety and integrity of the entire area.

Dominic’s Paving has been serving Montgomery County and surrounding areas since 1996. Now is the ideal time to think about parking lot maintenance and having an asphalt maintenance company.

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